Ever since my sister left for college, Thanksgiving has been more important to me than ever. It’s one of the only times I ever get to see my sister and spend time with my family. This has helped me not take even the basic things for granted, like having my family around. Another aspect of thanksgiving is the history around it. Did you know that thanksgiving originated from Europeans and the Wampanoags having a feast together, In 1621? Another fun fact about thanksgiving is that turkey wasn’t originally on the menu. This Thanksgiving, I had two weeks off of school. (A much needed break.) My sister flew down to North Carolina, where our family lives, on Wednesday with a lot of homework to do. On Thanksgiving day, we all shared what we were grateful for. Here are a few:

1. Food

2. A loving family

3. Education

4. Somewhere to live

5. Friends

6. Opportunities to play sports

7. Transportation

8. Clothes

9. Good health

10. Nature

And thank you for reading.